Sunday, October 10, 2010


Bremen Cook
Mr. Tsuyuki
Eng. 202
Online Advertisement
            The design of the aluminum pint beer by Miller light is a brand new concept to beer industries. The Miller ad is dominated by a big picture of the aluminum pint pouring out beer. In big words the ad says “More Taste to Love”. This is saying that the new pints hold more liquid than the classic can or glass bottle. Since the aluminum pint is new to consumers the ad has a big detailed image of the pint for the consumers to be wowed by the new features. They prove this point by having a hand pouring the beer. The hand seems to be smaller and he is holding the beer in a way to make it look bigger by holding the Pint loosely. The intended audience is people who want more for what they buy, and to be different. People who want to be different would be drawn toward this pint with the twist off cap because it has never been done before.  This Ad is culturally appropriate for the U.S because more is better. Miller claims “More Taste” meaning getting more “beer” at once from the oversized pour spout . This relates to fast food industries where Americans have been drawn towards “More” is better.  Most people in America will buy what they will get more out of.  With this in mind the target audience will buy the Aluminum pint because it holds more liquid. The way the angle of the picture is taken of the ad the closest feature to the reader is the twist off cap. This is also new to the industry as people can now twist the cap back on after opening. This is also a new feature where other companies have not tried to incorporate the big mouth design. The big mouth spout shows a lot of  liquid is flowing out, causing the illusion that the  container holds more liquid.. At first glance the ad seems to be very simple and not much to it, but at closer look there are many little details that subconsciously can steer the consumers into buying their product.

Miller Ad:
